Create a Book Now Button

Booking Pop
Genice Williams

Display a Book Now button on any page and increase your conversion rate.

Convincing more visitors to respond to your call to action (CTA) and making a booking requires a large and bold “Book Now” button placed smartly and consistently on every page. Your website may have other CTAs such as to ask people to sign up for your newsletter or click to view other deals. That is another reason why the “Book Now” button must stand out as the best action to take now!

To start showing the Booking Pop Book Now button on your website, follow the steps below:

  1. Log in to your Booking Pop account and click “Notifications” in the left side panel
  2. Notifications Tab
  3. Select “Create New Notification”
  4. Select “Book Now”
  5. Select if you want to show the button in one Exact Page, a page that Contains a certain phrase, or All Pages, then select Next
  6. Notifications Setup
  7. In the next screen, you can select the exact message, URL, location, and colors of the button you want to create
  8. Book Now Notifications Setup
  9. Create a name for the notifications campaign and select Launch
  10. Congratulations! Your Book Now button should now be displayed in your website

Other notifications you can create:

  1. Call Now button
  2. Visitor Counter
  3. Promotions widget